Today not only does the educational reality require the use of new technologies to develop digital literacy skills, but also to improve and modernize the learning process. So here come e-books to make it easier for teachers to incorporate engaging e-books, e-books that help students enjoy learning and become more willing to learn. In this article, we will suggest ways to use e-books in modern classrooms.
In teaching a new knowledge
Interactivity: integrate the virtual world, making studying more engaging. For example, using video, audio, augmented reality and learning activities to assess students’ understanding of a topic.
In teaching new languages
Students improve and enrich their vocabulary and learn grammar rules in a fun way. They hear the language from native speakers and are prompted to repeat or answer questions as they interact with the e-book.
In the team-collaborative approach to teaching.
Groups of children can work collaboratively with an e-book, learning from each other’s interaction. Less strong students are facilitated, and more advanced students can help and teach others thus acquiring metacognition skills – a deep understanding of the subject matter.
In the consolidation of knowledge and in the evaluation process.
E-books, through the multisensory mode, promote personalized learning. The teacher can choose a degree of difficulty and leave the child free to work with the digital content. The child has the ability to correct mistakes without experiencing stress and to proceed with the learning process without frustration.
Real-life learning experience
When the traditional way of teaching narrows the limits of the experiences that children can create, e-books provide a real-life learning experience. Augmented reality books and apps provide students with multisensory features that enhance the classroom experience.
It also encourages students to collaborate seamlessly and encourages motivation through immersive classroom lectures.
Supportive Learning
Technology is fundamental in helping children with special needs with different challenges. As it is expected, it can be challenging for a visually impaired student to study using a textbook because of the fixed font sizes. However, that is not the case with e-books since the teacher can help students edit the text such as increase the font size or incorporate text-to-speech features with a reading tracker.
In distance learning
E-books can be an educational material in cases where the student is at home. Through these books the teacher provides the student with learning in a fun way, full of experiences and images.