3-5, 6-8MathsTania et Mirko font les courses ! (Tania and Mirko go grocery shopping!)With Tania and Mirko, learn basic mathematical concepts by going grocery shopping! The RecreaMATHS project...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsBill et Emma visitent le musée des mathématiques ! (Bill and Emma visit the math museum!)With Bill and Emma, learn basic mathematical concepts by visiting the math museum! The RecreaMATHS...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsOscar et Leo découvrent les quatre saisons ! (Oscar and Leo discover the 4 seasons!)With Oscar and Leo, learn basic mathematical concepts by discovering the four seasons! The RecreaMATHS...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsRobert et Liza explorent la ville ! (Robert and Liza explore the city!)With Robert and Liza, learn basic mathematical concepts by exploring the city! The RecreaMATHS project...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsSasha et Max jouent aux cartes ! (Sasha and Max play cards!)With Sasha and Max, learn basic mathematical concepts by playing cards! The RecreaMATHS project is...Read aloud
6-8The worldAxel ne veut pas changer (Axel doesn’t want to change)Axel must find the Water! Axel is a young axolotl who lives in a lake...Read aloud
6-8Orality and LiteracyMeet HeckertyThis story is about the witch Heckerty and her cat Zanzibar. Heckerty has to have...
6-8The worldFirst woman – Nasa’s promise for humanityThe story features a fictional character called Callie Rodriguez who is the first woman to...
3-5, 6-8Orality and LiteracyBoucle d’or et les trois ours (Goldilocks and the three bears)Chocolapps offers the story of Goldilocks to discover or rediscover this classic in a diferent...Easy to read, Font for dys, Read aloud
6-8Orality and LiteracyAmelia and Terror of the NightA story about a little girl Amelia and her forest friends told on 42 pages...Audiodescription, Easy to read, Read aloud
3-5, 6-8Orality and Literacy, The worldMisiune specială (Special mission)With the help of these apps, children learn interesting things about outer space, planets. In...Easy to read
3-5, 6-8Orality and Literacy, The worldUnde e Sara? (Where is Sara?)Filip is tired of his sister who “does therapy” and takes all the attention of...Easy to read