3-5, 6-8MathsTania et Mirko font les courses ! (Tania and Mirko go grocery shopping!)With Tania and Mirko, learn basic mathematical concepts by going grocery shopping! The RecreaMATHS project...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsBill et Emma visitent le musée des mathématiques ! (Bill and Emma visit the math museum!)With Bill and Emma, learn basic mathematical concepts by visiting the math museum! The RecreaMATHS...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsOscar et Leo découvrent les quatre saisons ! (Oscar and Leo discover the 4 seasons!)With Oscar and Leo, learn basic mathematical concepts by discovering the four seasons! The RecreaMATHS...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsRobert et Liza explorent la ville ! (Robert and Liza explore the city!)With Robert and Liza, learn basic mathematical concepts by exploring the city! The RecreaMATHS project...Read aloud
3-5, 6-8MathsSasha et Max jouent aux cartes ! (Sasha and Max play cards!)With Sasha and Max, learn basic mathematical concepts by playing cards! The RecreaMATHS project is...Read aloud
6-8The worldAxel ne veut pas changer (Axel doesn’t want to change)Axel must find the Water! Axel is a young axolotl who lives in a lake...Read aloud
6-8Orality and LiteracyMeet HeckertyThis story is about the witch Heckerty and her cat Zanzibar. Heckerty has to have...
6-8The worldFirst woman – Nasa’s promise for humanityThe story features a fictional character called Callie Rodriguez who is the first woman to...
3-5, 6-8Orality and LiteracyBoucle d’or et les trois ours (Goldilocks and the three bears)Chocolapps offers the story of Goldilocks to discover or rediscover this classic in a diferent...Easy to read, Font for dys, Read aloud
3-5, 6-8Orality and Literacy, The worldMisiune specială (Special mission)With the help of these apps, children learn interesting things about outer space, planets. In...Easy to read
3-5, 6-8Orality and Literacy, The worldUnde e Sara? (Where is Sara?)Filip is tired of his sister who “does therapy” and takes all the attention of...Easy to read
3-5, 6-8Orality and Literacy, The worldCea mai dragă familie din lume (The sweetest family in the world)The dearest family in the world “, written and illustrated by Georgiana Chițac, is a...Easy to read