
Daddy, are you reading me a story?

I can’t imagine a more pleasant, quieter, more pampering activity… (I can’t even find the right words to describe this inner experience) for a parent than sitting and reading to the child – nestled in his arms its a good book.

Reading is an activity that I warmly recommend to all parents (regardless of the age of their children), as it only brings benefits and benefits, both immediate and long term. It’s not just me – who found in the books a friend, a piece of advice, a refuge, an oasis of peace and quiet: all the studies emphasize how important it is to read to children and the positive impact that reading has on development their subsequent.

Reading is and will remain an important element in the process of children’s intellectual and personal development. The more you read in childhood, the better the personality of the child will be defined in adulthood. Moreover, children love to read them.

In short, what happens when we read to children:

  • Learn new words
  • Expresses more easily
  • The frontal areas of the brain are stimulated, the areas responsible for attention, language, memory
  • Become curious and interested, ask questions to find out more
  • Imagine their characters and their adventures
  • New ideas for play come to him
  • Find out interesting things
  • Become more careful
  • Has more patience and persists longer in an activity
  • Stay calm and enjoy your time

Therefore, the exercise of parent-child reading from the youngest age to 9 years has many benefits, not only for the child taken separately, but even for the parent-child relationship. The more words the child hears, the easier it will be to learn new words. The more he watches his father’s frightened face when he reads to him about the wolf eating his grandmother or the happy face when the hunter saves her, the more the child will develop his emotional intelligence. Only these two aspects, strengthened during his childhood, will considerably help him to do better at school and between people.

Reading is a fun way to spend quality time together, both for the children and for us as parents. The world of storytelling is fascinating, helping us to enrich our imagination. Only we, the parents, can whet their appetite for reading by first reading their stories, and then letting them read on their own. But it is very important and our own example, it is necessary to show the children that we also like to read and even read at the same time with them.
Bedtime reading is more than just a nice habit that helps you put your baby to sleep every night. Bedtime stories can strengthen the bond between parents and children. Recently, researchers have discovered other benefits, such as stimulating children’s brain development.

That’s why you should read to your child before bed every night!

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