Dozens of digital books to combine the pleasure of reading and the pleasure of learning!

Boucle d’or et les trois ours (Goldilocks and the three bears)


3-5|6-8 YEARS OLD

Publisher: Wissl Media (developer)

Easy to read | Font for dys | Read aloud

Available in: French, Italian, English, Dutch, Portuguese, German, Spanish

Orality and Literacy

€ 1.99



Chocolapps offers the story of Goldilocks to discover or rediscover this classic in a diferent way. It’s an ideal story to take your first steps in reading alone. Before starting the story, the reader has the possibility to choose his level. The expressions or vocabulary words that are too complicated are illustrated with pretty pictures. The whole story is also accompanied by various activities: reading aloud, karaoke, animations, etc.

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