A European partnership

Les Apprimeurs
Les Apprimeurs is a French company specialized in the creation of tailor-made digital solutions for the education, culture and training sectors. We work to promote basic and soft skills and access to knowledge for all through trainings, workshops, interactive ebooks and platforms development.

Arsakeio Kindergarten of Patras
Arsakeio Kindergarten of Patras belongs to the oldest educational foundation in Greece (Philekpaideftiki Etaireia- Arsakeia- Tositseia Schools) founded in 1836. The school premises combine the very best of environmental and building specifications. It’s equipped with modern science laboratory, sports facilities, art workshop, computer lab and library. The school fosters every child’s physical, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social development and uses innovative approaches like: experiential way of learning, environmental awareness, interdisciplinarity, exploratory learning and critical thinking to instill a passion of knowledge and an appreciation for diversity.

ARTeria Foundation
The ARTeria Foundation was founded in 2006, as a non-profit organisation. It pursues various projects and programmes, primarily associated with supporting artists and representatives of creative fields, developing the cultural and creative sectors in the broad sense, as well as local communities, through various actions and projects based on three ideas: culture without borders, multidimensional cooperation and innovative education. In this department our goal is, primarily, modern education – searching for and testing innovations in both artistic education and general education, through the usage of culture and art.

Direzione Didattica Statale Bastia Umbra
Direzione Didattica Statale Bastia Umbra was established in 1963. Bastia Umbra is a town with 21,000 inhabitants, located in the center of Italy, near the city of Perugia (known worldwide for its University for Foreigners). The School District consists of 3 primary schools and 4 pre-schools. In our teaching staff we have 83 primary school teachers and 43 pre-primary school teachers including 9 special education teachers for primary and pre-school students. The cultural melting pot of not native Italian speakers has increased the number of special needs students and has urged the importance of building specific teaching programs for the acquisition of key skills and competencies in literacy and numeracy. But it also led us to become a school that promotes the value of sharing different cultures and the sense of belonging.

Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized on learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.

Scoala Gimnaziala n°16 „Take Ionescu”
Secondary School no 16 “Take Ionescu” from Timisoara / Romania teaches children between 5 and 15 years. The number of pupils is around 970. Number of teachers 62.
The aims of our school:
• To provide students the opportunity to shape their personality, to express their opinions openly, to create the opportunity to assert their aspirations age, to pave the way for authentic values.
• Our approach education, with family and community, is the free, integral and harmonious human individuality, personality formation autonomous and creative young people to become fit for socio – cultural and professional full in a dynamic world, subject of continue transformations.
• Developing an organizational culture type network, to promote essential values shared by teachers, students, parents and local community stakeholders to centering on student education, ensuring a minimum of effective skills useful to a changing society.
For more information, please contact us!